New Technology aims to empower self-care for seniors and those with disabilities

New Technology aims to empower self-care for seniors and those with disabilities

Meet Dhaval Patel, Founder & CEO of Lotus Labs. He shares his lived experiences that inspired him to develop a solution optimized for people with disabilities, but usable by all. This solution has great potential to allow seniors to ‘age in place’ and live safely and independently in their homes, longer than they may have imagined.

What I found refreshing was Dhaval’s attitude and approach to what he is actually offering to the market. Too often in technology, sales people are eager to jump into the ‘feeds and speeds’ of the technology itself, without first understanding the potential client’s actual needs.

Dhaval suggests what Lotus and their wearable ring is really offering someone is dignity, independence, and peace of mind. Not only peace of mind for the person wearing the ring, but for family and caregivers that worry about their aging loved one from afar. It is clear Dhaval and his team spent lots of time upfront interviewing people to understand what challenges they are dealing with on a daily basis in regards to self-care, often things we take for granted.

What you will learn in this video podcast:

  • What inspired Dhaval Patel to develop and design this new solution
  • How the wearable ring works
  • What makes Lotus Labs offering unique from other smart home solutions
  • How every company should think about development of new products
  • How to request early access to the product
  • Plans for future capabilities