24 May Building the right plan NOW for future care of your special needs child
For those of us caring for a special needs loved one full-time, we know how overwhelming it can be to think about a future when we are no longer here, or are no longer able to provide that proper level of care.
Life has a way of sneaking up on us, and we are often unprepared. Our special podcast interview with Dennis Farrar discusses what you can do today to best prepare and avoid an outcome where someone else might need to step in and make key decisions regarding the future care and well-being of your child.
Dennis Farrar is the father of a child with Autism, and understands the struggles families go through when they too have a family member with a disability. Dennis is also a licensed Financial Professional working for WealthWave.
Dennis’ personal webpage is https://wealthwave.com/dennisfarrar
We hope you find this podcast helpful as you continue to develop an overall plan for your child’s future.