How Young Adults are Transforming the Special Needs Sector

How Young Adults are Transforming the Special Needs Sector

It’s not every day you meet a driven young adult who’s on a mission to help transform the special needs community and last week I had the privilege of interviewing Megan Wilcoxon, who’s doing just that. 

Megan is a motivated and inspiring young woman currently working toward a dual Masters degree in Autism studies and Speech & Language Pathology. Megan also works as a caregiver in a special needs women’s group home while she completes her studies.

If you’ve ever considered a career in the special needs field, this is an interview you don’t want to miss. 

In this interview, you’ll learn:

  1. How Megan’s experiences in high school led her toward this career path
  2. What the curriculum entails at the university
  3. How the rewards and benefits far outweigh the challenges
  4. How other young people can explore this potential career path early on

I very much enjoyed our conversation and was filled with gratitude that she has chosen this career path, and I hope it will inspire other young adults to choose the same.

We will continue to follow Megan as she works to complete her formal studies and land somewhere full-time in the special needs field.

Watch full interview here: